Friday, March 02, 2007

Status Update

I was recently offered a job at The Painted Turtle, a summer camp in California that I have worked at in the past. It was pretty much the best job offer I've gotten since being in Thailand, and I'm also starting to think more seriously about coming home. So I took the job, and I will be returning to the US in mid-May. It's strange to think that this trip, which has been so open-ended for so long, now has a fixed end date. But I've known since I got here that the expatriate life-style is not for me, and even a stay of much longer than a few months would be more than I wanted. I've got about two more months of teaching, and then a short time to travel.

A second note is that I just turned 23. The school I teach at, The Inter Eng Club, threw me a bash with grilled shrimp, Thai crooning around a guitar, lots of whiskey, and a generous mix of my students and co-workers. It was a great time. The guests were quite generous, and several gave me presents. I received a dress-shirt, two ties (one pre-tied), and a pencil case. Proof that I'm known around these parts as all business.


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