Pictures from Sihanoukville, Cambodia 11/28/06

Riding motorbikes in a city without stoplights, speed limits, or drivers' licences.

Victory Hill, Sihanoukville. The main drag. About 40 years ago when Cambodia was ascendant, Sihanoukville was the place to vacation for wealthy Khmers. After the country's three decades of despotic rulers and financial mismaneagement, the great hotels rotted away and the town returned to its sleepy roots. The gutted hotels now house squatters. Just in the last few years the town has been rediscovered by backpackers and now internet cafes and motorbike rental shops are springing up. Re-gentrification can't be more than a year or two away.

Taking a break from a motorbike trek, I was treated to this view of the coastline.
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